Deutsche Reitschule
im NRW Landgestüt
Gestütstraße 17
48231 Warendorf
- +49 (0) 2581-63 69-28
- +49 (0) 2581-63 69-25
The German Riding School, which has been integrated into the State Stud since 1968, offers professional development, exam preparation, and exam for Pferdewirte and riding instructors. It is the homestead for professional riders (Pferdewirte- Classical Riding), who practice species appropriate husbandry and training of horses. The care and preservation of the equestrian sport and horse breeding, as cultural artifact, is an important focus for the professional riders as well.
Skilled lecturers complement the local staff at the German Riding School. Fifty, or so, well- trained horses, mostly stallion, are used as school masters for the trainees.
Courses for competition specialists (judges, course designer, auxiliary personnel) are also available.
In the Professional School for Driving ***** courses and tests from German Driving Emblem up to Driving Instructor are held. Currently, ten employees of the State Stud are training at the German Riding School to become Pferdewirte in addition to the professional riders from other stables who are also taking courses. Due to The German Riding School being a nationwide educational establishment and in conjunction with the possibilities provided by its association with the state stud, it provides a wonderful beginning for the employees. (See also: Education).
Regarding the level of the school it can be aligned between the National Riding Schools and the German Olympic Committee of Riding. The school works nationwide. To fulfill all their tasks, the school works in cooperation with the department “Sports” of the German Equestrian Federation (FN) and occupational group “Professional Riders and –Drivers” of the German Riding and Driving Club.
Purpose of the German Riding School is to care for and disseminate the Art of Classical Riding.